Partner, Prife International
iTeraCare devices and therapies are based on terahertz technology, which is safe, non-invasive and terahertz technology has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
It is important to us to offer you the peace of mind that comes with the approval and endorsement of such a prestigious regulatory agency.
Terahertz radiation is not harmful to humans at low powers. It is a type of non-ionizing radiation, i.e. it does not have enough energy to break chemical bonds. For this reason, it does not cause the same damage as ionizing radiation, such as X-rays and gamma rays.
The FDA has established a safety limit for terahertz radiation with frequencies between 0.3 and 1 terahertz, which is 100 watts per square centimeter.
Terahertz radiation is generated by acceleration of charged particles. This can happen in a number of ways, including:
Bremsstrahlung: This process involves a charged particle changing direction and emitting radiation.
Free electron lasers: Use an electric field to accelerate electrons in a vacuum tube. Electrons emit terahertz radiation as they are accelerated.
Quantum cascade lasers: Employ a semiconductor structure designed so that electrons are accelerated and emit terahertz radiation as they move through it.
There are also other processes for generating terahertz radiation, such as the impact of high-energy electrons on material or the interaction between laser light and material.
Although terahertz radiation is safe for humans and living beings, at high powers it can cause damage to cells and DNA. As research progresses, we will be able to better understand the long-term effects of exposure to such radiation.
If you must expose yourself to terahertz radiation, we recommend that you take certain precautions, such as wearing protective clothing and discussing the risks with your physician, especially if you have an implanted medical device.
Terahertz radiation is an emerging technology and more research is needed in the field to fully understand its long-term effects. However, its use at low potencies, as is the case in iTeraCare therapies, is generally considered safe.
The emerging and innovative position of TeraHertz devices in the field of terahertz therapies, backed by their FDA approval and recognition, ensures the interactive and non-invasive safety of its therapies.
Although terahertz radiation is a technology that is thriving, it is establishing itself as a safe and clinically effective method for improving health care and wellness.
TeraHertz, backed by FDA approval and regulation, promises to leverage this technology, thus offering a breakthrough approach to healthcare for all its users.
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