Benefits of Terahertz Waves in Neurology

Picture of José Manuel

José Manuel

Partner, Prife International

Descubriendo la Influencia de las Ondas de Terahercios en la Neurología

A new exploratory study has shown that exposure to terahertz frequency can have profound effects on the neural system. These findings open new perspectives for the use of terahertz in neuromodulation.

The Experience with Terahertz Technology

Terahertz frequencies lie in the electromagnetic spectrum between the growing business of infrared and microwave technology.

As the importance of this frequency for various applications increases, the team of scientists, led by Xianghui Zhao, has sought to determine the specific biological effects of terahertz waves.

Descubriendo la Influencia de las Ondas de Terahercios en la Neurología

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Terahertz Exposure and Neuronal Activity

Performing the study on mouse cortical neuron cultures, the scientists found that exposure to a terahertz laser increased excitatory synaptic transmission and neuronal activation. Using microarray assays, they were able to map dynamic changes in gene expression upon exposure, confirming morphology and electrophysiology results.

Terahertz Irradiation and Oligodendrocyte Cells

The results also showed that a certain terahertz irradiation program inhibited the proliferation of oligodendrocyte precursor cells and, at the same time, promoted their differentiation. In addition, a significant improvement in the myelination process was observed after exposure to terahertz.

Terahertz and Neuromodulation: A Path to Explore

These observations indicate that terahertz irradiation can influence the functions of different neuronal cells, suggesting terahertz waves as a potential new strategy for neuromodulation.

This study represents an important step in understanding the interactions between terahertz waves and nervous systems, and strengthens our understanding of advances in microwave research, medical physics and radiation physics.

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