Explanation of steps to make a device purchase

Step 1:

First we log in to our Prife office with our username and password that we received in our email. https://prifevip.com/login

paso 1

Step 2:

Once inside our Prife office, go to NAVIGATE at the bottom of the page.

paso 2

Step 3:

Now we are going to take our link to recharge the money in our account of the device we want to buy.

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Step 4:

At this point we can take the link to this website and provide it to the person to make the payment for the device or if we are going to make the payment ourselves then we go to the next step number 5.

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Step 5:

In this step what the person or we should put is the following:
We are going to find our user name or sponsor.
In the number 1 we put the amount of the value of the device to buy, we can without points in case it is more than 1000.
In the number 2 we put an annotation to know who made the income, for example you can put the name of the person who wants to buy (This is an internal information, as if it were the concept of a bank transfer).

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Step 6:

Once we have the money in our account, we go to NAVEGATE again.

paso 6

Step 7:

Once we are in NAVEGATE, now we go to the icons on the left and look for REGISTER

paso 7

Step 8:

In this section we select the region, the country and click on the blue button Next Step

paso 8

Step : 9

Add to cart the desired product to buy

paso 9

Step : 10

In this form we first write:

First: The username the person wants. No spaces, no symbols and no more than 10 characters.

Second: Full name.
Third: The sponsor’s user name.

Fourth: We give to the button Show and we select the place where we are going to register it, if it is the first time, we are going to register it below in the left in the button that shows us available of the left.
If it is the second time we are going to register it on the right side.

Fifth: we write the email of the person we are registering.

paso 11

Step : 11

Here we select «Courier» and fill in all the postal data where the order will be sent.

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Step : 12

In this step we enter the security password and press the button.

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Step : 13

Finally we review the information and make sure it is correct and press the «Confirm» button.

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